How lavender grows indoors: Container planting guide

by Pierre C. Rumpf 10/02/2023

Learning how lavender grows can be your ticket to a calming and fragrant home. While lavender is frequently planted outdoors, it can also grow successfully in containers inside. If you’re interested in growing a lavender plant indoors as a houseplant, here are the most important things to know:

Light requirements

Growing lavender requires plenty of direct sunlight. Lavender plants thrive where they can get at least six hours of full sunlight per day. When growing lavender indoors, place your plant in front of a south-facing window. Otherwise, you may need to move the lavender around to follow the best possible sun exposure.

Soil preference

Lavender plants genuinely like “poor” quality soil without any organic matter. Lavender likes to have well-drained soil that’s more sandy than soft. This makes normal indoor potting mix perfectly fine for growing lavender, especially formulas meant for cacti and succulents. You can always add sand or other amendments to improve drainage.

Temperature & humidity

Lavender plants typically grow best in hot, dry environments. When growing it indoors, this means you’ll want to keep it somewhere temperatures are consistently high but with plenty of airflow.

Too much humidity is more of a risk than lower temperatures, however; keep your lavender somewhere with good air circulation and out of steamy areas like bathrooms and kitchens.

When to water

Because too much moisture can cause problems for lavender plants, it’s best to water only when the soil feels dry. You can use a moisture meter to test below the surface to ensure the soil is draining properly.

The only exception to this is when the plant is brand new and first becoming established: during the first growing season, water frequently instead of letting the soil dry out too long in between.

Pruning & ongoing care

Lavender flowers and buds will grow naturally as long as the soil is sufficiently lacking in organic matter. Adding fertilizer or compost will instead encourage the plant to focus energy on its gray green foliage and structure rather than blooms. For the best lavender flowers, prune every spring to encourage new buds to form.

If you want to plant lavender and enjoy its aromatic blooms inside your home, following these tips will help you achieve your goals. With the right balance of warmth, light and well drained soil, you can grow lavender in containers just as well as outside in your garden.

About the Author

Pierre C. Rumpf

Broker Profile: Pierre comes from a diverse background. His adolescent and early adult years found him working for his father, a renowned structural engineer, and his brother, an architectural designer and general contractor. His knowledge of construction design (architectural & structural) and practices is significant. He coupled his construction background with his considerable sales experience, by becoming licensed to sell real estate in Massachusetts in 1986.

Pierre is also a licensed Attorney in the Commonwealth, who formerly worked for the Massachusetts Attorney General’s office as a litigator in the Victim & Witness Assistance Division of the Family & Community Crimes Bureau, litigating cases involving victims of violent crime, and since then has had his own legal practice.

For decades, Pierre has excelled in helping buyers of real estate find that condo, single-family, multi-family, lot of lands, or commercial property they desire to buy, or by effectively marketing his clients’ properties to sell their property for the most amount of money possible. His professional background embodies the ideal combination of construction, sales, negotiating, and contract drafting, which is essential to actualizing his clients’ goals and/or dreams. He does all of this with attention to detail, integrity, and success.

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